Pediatric Podiatry

When your child was born, and probably before, you found the best pediatrician to treat your new baby. If you need a specialist, such as a pediatric podiatrist, you want to practice that same level of care. Although you won’t see a podiatrist nearly as often as your pediatrician, it’s still important to find someone you and your child trust.
Here at Associated Foot & Ankle Specialists, we have treated many foot and ankle conditions that are common among younger children and adolescents. If your child is experiencing issues with their feet or ankles, please schedule an appointment with our trusted, experienced podiatrists and surgeons for an examination.
Pediatric Podiatry Conditions
We Treat
Ingrown Toenails
An ingrown toenail is a painful condition and the result of the toenail digging into the side of your child’s toenail bed. Some causes of a pediatric ingrown toenail are pressure; tight-fitting shoes; too shortly trimmed toenails; toe stubbing; and foot or toe deformities.
Ingrown toenails can cause your child pain and develop an infection. You may notice the skin around the nail appears red and swollen and feels warm to the touch. Because the area surrounding the nail is, sometimes warm and moist germs love to live there resulting in infection. In severe cases, the infection can spread through the toe and into the bone, do not ignore it or leave it untreated.
Nail Fungus In Children
Toenail fungus is unsightly, though rarely harmful. Toenail fungus in children, however, can have a powerful effect on your child’s self-esteem. Your child may even fear toenail fungus, which can be stressful and may cause them feelings of inadequacy.
Nails that are exposed to moisture and warmth a lot are more likely to get infected by a fungus. This can happen from wearing sweaty shoes often and from walking barefoot on shower floors. Or it can happen if your child shares personal things like towels and clippers.
Children’s toenails are different than adults in that they grow much faster. This can make a difference in how they respond to specific therapies. In addition, children react differently to medications.
Pediatric Flatfoot
Pediatric flatfoot is a condition where the child’s entire sole of his or her foot contacts the ground. It occurs when the foot’s arch either fails to develop or collapses.
Flatfeet in children is fairly common due to the fact that their bones and joints are still extremely flexible. Most children outgrow the condition by age six. Depending on the severity of the deformity and the etiology, there are conservative and surgical treatments.
Pediatric Custom Orthotics
When it comes to children’s orthotics, your choices are custom-made orthotic insoles and non-prescription over-the-counter insoles.
Often, the best orthotic insoles for kids who have Sever’s disease or walking abnormalities are custom-made by your pediatric podiatrist. This is when we make a mold using plaster or a foam cast of your child’s foot.
Juvenile Bunions
A bunion is a bony-like bump that develops where the big toe joint is attached to the rest of the foot. Bunions in children are somewhat different than bunions in adults. Children and teenagers often have structural complications where the bones tend to be pointed in too much, causing the cartilage of the big toe joint to move. This makes the big toe lean over towards the smaller toes, developing a pediatric bunion. Bunions tend to occur mostly among young teenagers, especially girls between the ages of 10-15.
If your child is suffering pain from a bunion, and it is enough to stop their regular activity, it is time to discuss treatment options. There are numerous treatments available, each intended to relieve the pain associated with bunions.
Sever’s Disease
Sever’s disease is a painful inflammation in the heel. The inflammation is due to an abrupt growth when the heel bone grows at a faster rate than surrounding muscles and tendons which become overstretched and tight.
Girls may see their spurts between 7-13 years old while boys will experience them around 10-15 years old.
Depending on which type of Sever’s disease your child has, chronic or acute, will determine which treatment options will have the best results.
Pediatric Plantar Warts
Plantar warts are a skin growth caused by a viral infection called the human papillomavirus, or HPV, and children are more prone to develop them.
The growths form on the bottom of the foot and are solid and grainy or bumpy in appearance. They typically form at the heel, toe, or ball of the foot. Pressure in these areas often forces the wart to grow inward instead of outward. Your child may also feel pain or tenderness in the area around the plantar wart, particularly when standing or walking.
We have a variety of treatments in our office from acids and laser therapy to help treat plantar warts.
Do You Have Discolored Thick Toenails?
Clinical studies show that this laser kills toenail fungus and promotes clear nail growth with a single treatment in more than 80% of cases.
Common Foot Issues, Causes & Treatments
Foot and ankle problems can play a huge role in your daily life, and Podiatrists Drs. Sarah Cullen and Drennan Josey know all about the issues that can affect the feet.
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(843) 852-9444
(843) 852-9404
Office Location
2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr. #210 West
Charleston, SC 29414