Custom Ankle-Foot Orthoses
3D Optical Scanning
Well-made over-the-counter arch supports are sufficient for most foot and ankle conditions. However, just like eyeglasses you buy at a drug store, over-the-counter orthotics are not made specific to you.
Our office collaborates with Bergmann Orthotics to provide 3D optical scanning of your feet to fabricate custom orthotics tailored to you. Bergmann Orthotics has been designing orthotics for professional football and basketball teams for decades.
The Bergmann Optical Scanner is the only neutral position scanner that can take the sides as well as the bottom of the foot in neutral suspension as well as weight bearing. This 3D technology maintains the unique biomechanics, size, shape, and contour of each foot.
This system uses laser optics and computers to capture the image of a “plaster mold” of the foot. The image is manipulated with computer technology to generate a digital milled wax mold. This casting system is rated as the most accurate and versatile casting system available. To read more about Bergmann lab, please visit their website.
We will check in the office to see if custom orthotics are partially or fully covered by insurance. In most instances, insurance will not cover custom orthotics and the price of fabrication is $250.
Do You Have Discolored Thick Toenails?
Clinical studies show that this laser kills toenail fungus and promotes clear nail growth with a single treatment in more than 80% of cases.
Common Foot Issues, Causes & Treatments
Foot and ankle problems can play a huge role in your daily life, and Podiatrists Drs. Sarah Cullen and Drennan Josey know all about the issues that can affect the feet.
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(843) 852-9444
(843) 852-9404
Office Location
2097 Henry Tecklenburg Dr. #210 West
Charleston, SC 29414